Forest Hill Bowling Club
Forest Hill Bowling Club
It is sad to report that we have heard of the death of Pauline Bone. Pauline was a very active member of this Club and held a number of posts in the Club, including Ladies Secretary and Ladies Captain. She was also a Coach who coached a many of our older members. Ron her husband was also a Past President of the Club. Pauline moved away from this area to be close to her daughter.
She was so well respected that she was honoured by being made a Life Member, an honour give only to those members who have made an exceptional contribution to the Club.
Details of her funeral will be posted when this has been arranged.
The Club held its annual firework evening. As in the past the evening started with the lighting of the bonfire. The annual bonfire allows the Club to burn wood accumulated throughout the year most of it from work done in the garden and the wood.
The Club members and their guests including grandchildren then enjoyed burgers, hot dogs and some delicious pulled pork; thank you Deirdre.
We then had splendid firework display, orchestrated by our Captain, Chas. Please see video below
It can be quite tiring looking after a fire! John and David had to have rest.
The chairs were the last things burnt!
This time of year, after the Green is closed for the winter, the Club employs Roger, an outside contractor, to hollow tine the Green (remove plugs of soil) and top dressed with sand and a fertiliser. The green is also seeded. The picture shows Roger on his tractor, spreading some of four tons the top dressing.
How does he get his tractor on the Green?
(Bye the way ,His tractor has tyres that don’t damage the green – he didn't have flat shoes though).
Saturday saw the Finals of the Hospitals Amenities Fund Competition (Hospitals). We are proud to have had Forest Hill members in four categories. They were are, with the result.
Ladies Pairs – Angela Pfaff & Jeanette Singer –Gold Medal
Men’s Singles – Keith Forsdick - Gold Medal
Mixed Triples – Ken, Pat Stark & Peter Harris – Silver medals
Mixed Pairs – Jeanette & Mick Singer – Silver medals
Well done everybody, you did Forest Hill Bowling Club proud.
Below are some photos taken by some of our members who were spectating. (We don’t have pictures of Mick and Jeanette Singer– sorry).
Keith - Men's Singles Gold Medal Windows
On Friday the Club hosted its famous annual Candlelight bowling evening. The rink boundaries were marked out with tea lights and the Club House illuminated with strings of lights.
The evening started with a tea consisting of scones, clotted cream & jam, sandwiches and homemade cakes. When it started to get dark all the lights were turned on and the teams made up of players from Forest Hill and invited clubs, proceeded to the Green and a game of “rinks” started. At first there was no difficulty seeing what was going on but as it got darker, torches were needed to see the Jack. The night was enlivened by some bats who flew low over the Green. At the end of the game, the players returned to the Club House for drinks and to collect their raffle prizes. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves despite the rain.
Thank you to all those who made last night such a success ; the ladies who prepared the tea, those who put out the lights, switched them on and collected them in, those who dressed the green and of course the bats! It was a very enjoyable (damp) evening.
Thank you Angela & Chris for the photos, (some of which are recycled from last year!)
The Club again held a very successful Quiz Night with playing & social members with their guests making up the contestants.
It was good to see Alan Hazel, acting as Quiz Master, back in form. Alan Entertained us with a smashing quiz.
Rounds including ones on Geography, Entertainment and General Knowledge. The final question, which stumped most of the teams was the decider.
During the interval the contestants enjoyed a meal of “fish & chips” supplied by a chip shop, recommended by Brian Rose who arranged delivery. I am told that the chicken burger was particularly nice.
The picture shows the winning team, with their prizes and impressive trophy!
The event was again efficiently organised by Chris Darby & Chris Martyn.
Quiz Cup winners
Pam and Graham arranged a Tour on the Isle of Wight mostly for members of the Club. On route we played a game at Basingstoke. We won on one rink.
Isle of Wight Indoor Bowling Club gave us a warm welcome when we played two games there, which we unfortunately lost, but there was lots of laughter and the bacon sandwiches were a big hit.
On the Thursday we had tour of the Island which included the Needles, which we did not see because of the mist and a stopover in Yarmouth for lunch.
Everybody seemed to have a good time although no one played Bingo in the Hotel, but there was dancing!
Thank you Pam & Graham for organising the tour.
A Chilly Forest Hill on Tour
L&CPIBC have two leagues for outdoor clubs, on Wednesday evening and Friday evenings. A lot of our members play indoors and were keen to take part, so we entered three teams, one on Wednesday and two on Friday (FH - 1 & FH – 2). FH-1 and FH-2 had players of similar ability and everybody had the chance to play the same number of games.
We are pleased to report that our Wednesday team came second in Wednesday’s second division and the two Friday teams came 1st and 4th in Friday’s second division. The picture shows some of FH -1 with the impressive plaque they won!
Some of FH-1 with the trophy.
The New season starts with a Club Drive on the Saturday closest to St George's Day, followed the next day with the traditional St George’s Day match. We always fly St George’s flag on that day but unfortunately the flag pole was showing signs of wear and tear, so we have started renovation it with a fresh coat of paint. This involves swinging the pole down so that our "flag pole painter", John Darby does not have to climb it with his paint brush!
This Friday night the Club house was set up so the members could have an evening playing short mat bowls. This is the second year we have held this event. Although all most everybody had played last year, most of their first woods either ended in the ditch or would have left the green if they had not hit the wooden guards at the side. Every body soon got the hang of it and had an enjoyable evening. Those who did not play just enjoyed a drink and socialising.
Thank you Chas and Deirdre for again organising this evening.
Next event 5th April - Quiz Night
It is with pleasure that we can report that Chas has become a Level 2 Coach. With another coach we may all play better next year!
Well done Chas!
Chas with his Coaching Certificate.
The Club held a very successful Quiz Night with playing & social members with their guests making up the 48 contestants.
Peter Gerlach, our normal Quiz Master, could not fulfill his normal role but Ian Skelly, successfully stepped into the role.
Rounds including ones on London, Geography, Films and General Knowledge. A question on the capital of Madagascar stumped most teams!
During the interval the contestants enjoyed a meal of “fish & chips” supplied by the local chip shop, Saba.
The event was expertly organised by Chris Darby & Chris Martyn who made the event run smoothly.
Quiz Cup winners
Jimmy & Alan play a game of darts.
During the closed winter season Club holds a number of Social Evenings.
The Club held an evening of “Pub Games”.
The Club House was turned into the saloon bar of the "Bumping Bowler" , where members could play games like mini pool, bagatelle, darts, shove ha’ penny, dominos and crib as well as enjoying a drink and chat with fellows club members.
David & Peter enjoy a game of bagatelle using a antique board
Pat and Veronica find mini pool a little too mini.
On Sunday afternoon the Club held President Alan’s Day, when instead of an afternoon of the usual triples, we had a “Fun Day”. This involved various activities that involved nine games, including trying to knock down a rabbit (not a real one!), games of skittles, shove halfpenny using our bowls and trying to bowl though the legs of chairs. The afternoon ended with a buffet provided by the members, who each brought a plate of food. Everybody had a very enjoyable afternoon and look forward to the next Fun Days later in the year.
A sunny Fun Day
The club held two events for to celebrate the 70th Jubilee. The events were low key with members enjoying some bowling related games provided by Jeanette & "roll ups". This was followed by a delicious buffet that included two whole salmon and chocolate cake!
One of the "roll ups"
Mick never disappoints with his attire.
Too much fun for David & Pat
Our garden is a haven for wild life. A woodpecker is a frequent visitor. It has found that one of the flood lights make lot more noise than a tree when drumming for a mate. Sadly we have heard no reply! (Play with sound on and in expanded mode).
"Spider" before the start of the John Canham's Celebration Match against Kent Bowling Association Past Presidents